Mmm for months now I've been promising to add a few comments here, but since year-end book keeping is in full swing I'll avoid some hours of number crunching and add a few words.
Way back in late 1990? I did look at Smalltalk/V for the Macintosh V1.0. Interesting but at the time a product called Omnis[1] captured our attention and it wrote the stage for a small software company in Canada called AccuWare Business Solutions Ltd. After building that up to 15 odd people with the help of two very bright partners I left and went to Silicon valley where I mentored 55 odd people in the use of a Database framework I had developed. In mid 1995 after a winter of groking VisualAge and an old copy of Objectworks I then jump at a chance to take Ralph Johnson's Smalltalk Summer School. (Very neat) The nice thing about the smalltalk community is the friendships you form. Lots of history there... Once finished the course I dove head into a very complicated gig with a former client where I used VisualWorks as a server to complete the problem at hand. Due to Ward's hintings I gave a talk on this usage of Smalltalk at the ParcPlace conference in Disney Land/96. A few VisualWave application followed which peeked my interest in Web application, however right now (fall/96) I'm relocating to Victoria and of course completing my book-keeping tasks.
Oh and along with writing a few article for the Smalltalk Report on Memory GC work as an outcome of things I saw with SmalltalkasaServer
Catch me at
Oct 1999. Hey a zillion days have past and there is far to much to type, so look at
April 2009. Poking about, nearly 10 years, wow. Some of it on, and lately finishing