John Lennon was one of the most talented songwriters of the 20th century. His music is as timeless and relevant today as it was a generation ago. His songs helped to revolutionize music and our culture.
"If The Beatles or the 60's had a message, it was 'Learn to swim. And once you've learned - swim!"
"We realized there's something wrong here, if everybody was upset by the fact that two people were naked."
"We're all Christ and we're all Hitler. We are trying to make Christ's message contemporary. We want Christ to win. What would he have done if he had advertisements, T.V., records, films and newspapers? The miracle today is communication. So let's use it."
"For all you folks out there who think I'm having the wool pulled over my eyes, well, that's an insult to me. But if you think you know me, or you have some part of me because of the music, and then you think I'm being controlled like a dog on a leash because I do things with her, then screw you, brother or sister, you don't know what's happening. I'm not here for you, I'm here for me and her, and now the baby."
"You're all geniuses, and you're all beautiful. You don't need anyone to tell you who you are. You are what you are. Get out there and get peace, think peace, and live peace and breathe peace, and you'll get it as soon as you like."
"I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now? Reality leaves a lot to the imagination."
"Nothing will stop me, and whether I'm here or wherever I may be, I'll always have the same feelings, I'll say what I feel."
"Those in the cheaper seats clap. The rest of you rattle your jewelry."
See the TheBeatles