Blessed Be. My apologies but I am presently suffering WikiRapture...
My mind feels like a WikiPuppy is running around in it.
I will only let my inner WikiPuppy out to tinkle on this newspaper until I am convinced of its maturity.
I can't resist the urge to attempt to traverse WardsWiki!
Want to edit many pages to throw in my two cents worth but LessIsMore and must remember:
I came here seeking help with ExtremeProgramming especially ExtremeProgrammingForOne.
It would be good if I could reliably format the text first.
WikiPuppy is a behavior of those who, full of WikiRapture, try to run with the BigDogs and end up leaking on their feet.
I may move this to LeMoyne and use John LeMoyne Castle as an edit tag, but don't want to stick out like a sore thumb ... Other handles for me are: jlc, jlcastle (, and Lee which my mother started calling me at birth.
Learned So Far:
Through struggle with the real name issue, PseudonymityAndHonesty - got some clarity on old ontological and existential personal issues --- and discovered I am quite attached to my usual Web handle LeMoyne.
A screaming need to treat my chronic AnalysisParalysis and mad prototyping sprees with DesignByTesting and making sure all my code is immediately thrown out, refactored, or TestInfected.
I will work to answer these myself, but if you're here and you know... please AnswerMe on these topics:
- Is there any Minimum Spanning Tree tool for Wikis, or will the Map idea be resurrected, or something in between? What I am looking for is an exploration tool - something to make sure that my traversal is at least locally complete.
- PissTake: Or did I just volunteer? I am working on a graph trimming/edge selection problem now...
First programs in 76 and 77 and BS Computer Engineering from UNM in 1995 - elected to Tau Beta Pi for being a homework mensch - I 'took over' TBP tutoring sessions many times before I knew of TBP or that it was their set of newbies that I was assisting with EE and CompE.
Work experience in various 80's PC Basics, CeePlusPlus, Progress4GL, SQL, VBA/VBScript/ASP, a few Windows APIs, Python and Perl. Have done scientific programming, large code base maintenance and development in a startup. Just quit recession-proof call center job (phone work as a collector for Mega Bank) and am already starting to do better for myself in every way as an independent contract programmer. Family and friends have all told me so, though I haven't been paid a dime yet. Hence ExtremeProgrammingForOne is my doom/destiny.
Love learning, the process of design abstraction (reducing cognitive dissonance maybe?), OO, writing programs that write programs, making it go.
If I were a WikiGnome I would be doing my best to RefactorMercilessly yet kindly. Right now, I know a little about the PerpetualNow. Perhaps some gnomish behavior when I have mastered Wiki concepts as expressed in this database.
Experts use [YourIdeaHere].
[YourConceptHere] uses its masters.