Joe Bowbeer

last modified: April 21, 2006

This site was a great help to me in preparing a talk on ExtremeProgramming for

I've been a fan of evolutionary, iterative, test-intensive styles since my Scheme hacking days. [SICP]

Then I strayed for a while, doing system software in C and ASM, until a reading of Programming as if People Mattered by Nathaniel Borenstein sparked a revival. [PPM]

ExtremeProgramming has given words to some principles that I believed in for many years, but was never been able to express. It also gave words to some principles that I'd never thought of...

Now I'm working at, developing applications for mobile devices. The constraints of these devices make life hard for a unit tester. I may not remain one for long. Send your words of encouragement to joe at

In any event, this site has added a lot to my understanding of ExtremeProgramming and programming in general. The cost of change is still foremost in my thoughts.

