Jim Tulley

last modified: October 12, 2003

MyersBriggs INTJ

I am a Software Process Improvement Engineer (whatever that means) for United Space Alliance, a NASA contractor at Kennedy Space Center <http://www.ksc.nasa.gov/ksc.html>. I am currently working on a project to replace the hardware and software in the firing rooms here at KSC.

I have been a developer for over 20 years, but my interests have turned from doing it myself to how do we define a development process that really works. I have read with interest the numerous opinions in these pages ranging from traditional process and documentation techniques to "the code is the documentation" concepts. My current challenge is to find a really good design document template to use on a very large project, where a well-engineered architecture is critical.

I like CMM, SEPGs, UML, Deming, PairProgramming and Patterns. I see good stuff in all of these, but I'm still searching for the silver bullet!


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