Jim Densmore

last modified: July 22, 2004

Jim, AreYouThere last edited April 17, 2002

Time. I don't have enough. But I promise to come back and describe myself more fully when I have some. Anyone else have some available I can use? (Without losing my job ...)

Meanwhile, I[1] am an architect and developer with SM&A[2] in Colorado Springs. My interest in patterns waxes and wanes as I have, um, time. Certainly I use them in my daily work but learning about new ones, always important, sometimes suffers from schedule concerns. (Hmm, seems there are quite a few (anti?) patterns herein suggesting deep thoughts about this!) This set of pages is extraordinarily interesting, I intend to visit more.

External interests include competitive swimming and officiating for same. (I have children in the sport as well, hence the officiating as a volunteer effort.) Also, I'm a flying and SoaringFanatic. I fly with a local club, High Flights Soaring, and tow gliders for them as well. These activities have many aspects on which Don's organizational patterns have comment, something I'd like to explore further. (The flying in particular.)

I see that this page was edited in the year 2000 to add CategoryHomePage to it, but how can I see when Jim changed the content of this last? -- MichaelFinney

