Jeff, AreYouThere? [October 25, 2003 - last edit January 13, 2001]
I work at Object Technology International where I lead a team building various enterprise and server related products, in particular the recently released Server Smalltalk (part of VAST 4.5). While we didn't know it, it seems we used a form of ExtremeProgramming in this project of 4-6 people. It's great to see the techniques, uh, formalized (well, named at least). Makes it more tangible.
In the past my interests have related to MetaLevelProgramming as it relates to making object libraries useful in multiple computational environments (e.g., distributed systems) and the observation of complex object behavior/interaction. Using the CodA meta-level architecture I did lots of experiments on semi-massively parallel machines (e.g., 256 SPARCS) with Smalltalk. Funky! CodA is described in various papers including ones in ECOOP95 and Reflection'96.
I intermittently maintain a Web page for Smalltalk resources on the net at Sometimes gets pretty out of date but updated links and suggestions are welcomed.