Hello to you reading this page.
Amazingly enough, it takes courage to create a page with your own name.
I've been surfing this site for a while now and made a few AnonymousContributions. It's very very interesting to read out what the other people in (or not so in) the industry think and I'm looking forward to bringing some of my own views to this community.
Have a great day, wherever you are!
-- Jean-Marc
p.s. if you wish to leave me a message, feel free to do so below!
Been looking for a text from WardCunningham himself regarding ComplexSystem, Laws and their SideEffects (desirables, undesirables, etc.) and just can't find it. I recall it being well worded and expressing why resetting a system will not necessarily produce a system without side-effects, but a new one, with new side-effects.