Java Tools For Extreme Programming

last modified: January 23, 2003

Subtitle: Mastering Open Source Tools Including Ant, JUnit, and Cactus.

A book by RichardHightower and NicholasLesiecki ISBN: 047120708X .

The reviews on are mostly positive (16 Dec 01); reviews from Wikizens below:

I haven't read the book, but... These tools aren't just for XPers. The title is a little misleading. Ant, specifically, is general purpose, and has no features that are necessary to XP. JUnit, and Cactus, maybe, but unit testing should be a part of every programmers toolbox, whether they're doing XP, or not.

I think that the XP in the title, is there for cache.

I haven't read it either, but I think the idea is more: So you want to do XP? Here are some tools that you can use. Not: Here are some tools that were made for XP.

I was the TechnicalEditor for this book. The book really addresses two main tenets of XP, AutomatedTesting, and ContinuousIntegration. Obviously, the JavaUnit and related chapters related to AutomatedTesting. The ApacheAnt coverage is there to support ContinuousIntegration.

I haven't yet been able to read the final product, and I didn't get to review the HttpUnit chapters, though I wanted to. If you have any thoughts or questions, I'd be happy to respond.

-- AveryRegier

Would be happy to have a look into the table of contents. anyone?

Here it is:
