Java Remote Method Invocation

last modified: October 19, 2004

[Moved here from RemoteMethodInvocation]

From JavaProgramming

See for RMI documentation.

RMI architecture


The illustration below depicts an RMI distributed application that uses the registry to obtain references to a remote object. The server calls the registry to associate a name with a remote object. The client looks up the remote object by its name in the server's registry and then invokes a method on it. The illustration also shows that the RMI system uses an existing web server to load bytecodes of classes written in the Java programming language, from server to client and from client to server, for objects when needed. RMI can load class bytecodes using any URL protocol (e.g., HTTP, FTP, file, etc.) that is supported by the Java platform.

Stubs and Skeletons

Development process:

RMI Interfaces and Classes


The interfaces and classes that are responsible for specifying the remote behavior of the RMI system are defined in the java.rmi package hierarchy. The following figure shows the relationship between several of these interfaces and classes:

Parameter Passing with RMI

Locating Remote Objects

See also RmiPatterns, TransparentRmi, RmiVsCorba

