Java(TM) Puzzlers: Traps, Pitfalls, and Corner Cases by NealGafter and JoshuaBloch.
Published by Addison-Wesley Professional (June 24, 2005).
ISBN: 978-0321336781, ISBN 032133678X
A series of programming puzzles which illustrate various JavaLanguage LanguageGotchas. Or JavaSubtleties, if you prefer... As such, it's a little like Bloch's other book, EffectiveJava, and a lot like the various GotchaBook that have come out for other ProgrammingLanguages.
Solve these puzzles and you'll never again fall prey to the counterintuitive or obscure behaviors that can fool even the most experienced programmers. -- Amazon Reviewer
Code from the book is available:
Bloch has composed a series of Java Puzzlers presentations showcasing new "puzzlers" not in the book. The earlier ones were done in collaboration with Gafter, while WilliamPugh was the collaborator in the more recent ones. Some are on the web in video, including:
- "Java Puzzlers Episode VI: The Phantom Reference Menace, Attack of the Clone, & Revenge of the Shift", filmed as a 2007 (apparently) GoogleTechTalk in the Advanced Topics in Programming Languages series:
- "Java Puzzlers: Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel", the eighth installment, here delivered by Pugh at the Øredev conference in 2010