Jason Bedunah

last modified: November 7, 2013

ExtremeProgrammer converted from the RUP world. Made the jump to management and actually LOVE it.

I have a JUnit article published in STQE magazine that describes how JUnit saved everyone's behind...

After discovering Xp and AgileMethodology, I Introduced and "managed" several XP and Agile projects. Consequently, money, fame, fortune and elaborate titles were thrown my way (all of which I gladly accepted). Not bad, for a kid who started with Commodore64 Basic 2.0 !!!

I believe DoTheSimplestThingThatCouldPossiblyWork, RefactorMercilessly and RelentlessTesting are DamnGoodIdeas...

11/1/2004: Getting involved with team that is using ScrumMethodology, looks very cool and they've already seen improvements.

Going to write a cool book one of these days.

Also interested in DirectResponseMarketing, ConsumerPsychology and CopyWriting and do that on the side in my spare time. My trusty writing pen (ads in magazines and sales letters) has created nearly $750,000 for my client in the last 6 months... (as of 11/4/2004)

