Jared Buckley

last modified: April 1, 2010

This is what I get for coming into the office early. Stiles brings me Krispy Kremes but then gets me hooked on this...

(Note to self: must remember to be careful what I leave on the net. How amusing to find this after I'd forgotten it even existed. Google is your friend.)

(This is twice now! Excellent! I guess I must occasionally Google for myself and I find my way back here again. What a pleasant surprise! ;))

(Third time's a charm; I'm so easily amused.)

(Heh...top link on Bing and this doesn't even show up on the first three pages of Google now. The top Google search is some impostor; I think it's the same guy that kept trying to setup a twitter account but using my gmail address and not his! Hah! I only had to delete his twitter account two or three times before he figured it out!)

