Jaakko Mantysaari

last modified: October 2, 2004

I graduated from HamePolytechnic, ValkeaKoski, DegreeProgrammeInInternatonallBusiness (BBA) in 2004. Currently work as a project manager in Optinet Oy [http://www.optinet.fi].

My father is MikkoMantysaari.

Hobbies include LinuxOperatingSystem, AmigaComputer, hiking, playing bass, movies etc. I normally use my trusty Amiga600 or Amiga500, but often my Linux boxes too. Like to program Amos, Java, Perl. I play in a band called Wirtaset (Ramones tribute band).

Just got a working modem (28800 bps) to my Amiga600. Big thanks to JormaOksanen who lent me his.

IRCNet channels I hang in: #hienhaju #bikebb #AmigaFIN

http://mutteri.vlk.hamk.fi/~mantyjab/ (At the moment, homepage server down. Will be moved to a temporary location soon.)

