For VbClassic Beginners, this software works only on MicrosoftWindows machines
If you know why you are learning this language, then
First - get a freeVbClassic limited edition
Get the online reference from
Second - get a free SqlServerDesktopEngine for database
Third - get a free online tutorial, or book , try More links at VbClassic. You might also try the Visual Basic Classic book on WikiBooks:
If you want to do applications on the web, then checkout PersonalWebServer which may already be part of the operating system you have paid for. Here on WardsWiki there are IwannaLearnAsp and IwannaLearnHtml which may be of interest.
Concepts for beginners
- Using Implements to separate interface from implementation at
- But also see the section on VbClassic in LanguageGotchas about issues with Implements.
Example for beginners
Printing from VbClassic without CrystalReports
- Dexx has a 10 minute solution at, and another one later at
If you have lots of time to kill and learn for its own sake, and want the latest MicrosoftCorporation stuff, then visit to find a trial version download, then visit VbDotNet page to add a link. This way other people can benefit from your efforts as well. Be forewarned it is a LifeLongLearning exercise.
The first question you'll want to ask yourself, is do I really want to poison my mind like this, then you should slap yourself for even thinking about it, then go learn Lisp, Smalltalk, Scheme, Ruby, Python, Java, or CSharp, anything but VB, some friendly advice from a reformed VB programmer. HaHaOnlySerious.
- If you are a MicrosoftSlave, then only CsharpLanguage is available, and try doing some prototyping in Csharp, and then I will have the LastLaugh
Actually Csharp is a much worse language than VB in many respects But since MS has an emotional investment in making it succeed, Csharp is likely to be improved much more than VB in the next years. Currently, Csharp almost sucks.
See also WhyChooseMicrosoftAndVb, and VbIsBadForNewbies for a different opinion