I live and work in London, England.
If you've heard of me it's probably because of:
- JesTer: http://jester.sourceforge.net
- MockMaker: http://www.mockmaker.org
- My PhD work (I had a paper in OOPSLA 1996 on it): http://selfguru.sourceforge.net - an AutomatedRefactoring tool intended to be complementary to RefactoringBrowser type tools
- TeamStreams - I implemented them (not the GUI or the database, just the TeamStreams)
- Conference workshops or tutorials
mailto:ivanc@tadmad.co.somewhere (somewhere is for spam avoidance, replace "somewhere" with "uk")
I don't update this page very often. Please don't delete it because of lack of edits. It does after all contain a valid home page link, email address and some stuff about me in case someone is wanting to get in touch or see who some wiki comment has come from. According to WardCunningham's criteria, this page should not be deleted.