Someone once suggested to me that Wiki could be used to store project documentation. Would this be possible in shops where ISO compliance is necessary?
Does ISO 900x require traceability of:
What was the applicable document at any given time? (E.g. to know what rules were being followed when a given decision was made.)
If so, a SoftwareChangeManagement-enabled wiki would be needed, such as CvWiki.
See Also: ChangeManagementAppliedToWiki
IsoNineThousand requires no particular practices. It is not about WHAT you do, but doing it consistently. You could ISO certify a process that said "We update our documents as needed, with no change management. The current copy is all that matters, and that copy is kept on line."
I think this depends on the auditors involved. I know that some like to look at what you've done since the last audit check (not just what you're doing now), and they like to know what your process was then. In order to pass such an audit to keep your certification, you would need to have some sort of change management (not to mention proof that the process was followed). YMMV when it comes to auditors requiring this though. -- RobertWatkins
See Also: IsoNineThousand, CapabilityMaturityModel, WikiPagesAboutSayWhatYouDo