And where is the incentive going to come from?
I have seen massive leaps in the technology, tools and methodologies in the past 10 years. The Internet, XML, Mobile computing, Web Services, OO and XP are just some of the innovations that amaze me.
I have seen our value (within my limited perspective of corporate consulting) contained. We are still spending much time on improving how we build software , doing things right and less on what we can build, doing the right things. My experience is we are measured in terms of cost not value. I say everything is cost prohibitive if you don't know the value.
Even UserStories are working within a limited scope.
Can we dream of what is possible with these technologies. Can we work with stakeholders, business leaders and visionaries to explore new possibilities ... and get a slice of the value.
As RonJeffries said answering IsThereEverGoingToBeSufficientEconomicIncentiveToDoSoftwareRight "There is sufficient incentive now. Just do it".
Is anybody out there doing it? Who has remained technical and is instrumental in creating the system vision? Any advice for a passionate techie who is looking to push the possibilities of the today's systems?
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