Ideas and Plans may seem new to you, but are they really? ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20110317
Many times in your mental processing of stuff, you will come up with an idea or Solution Possibilities that may not have ever existed!
- Is it really something "New under the sun?" Wise thinkers in the ancient past had a sense of their thoughts as rehashes and recollections of even more ancient stuff. (Solomon, of Biblical fame as a Wise man, asked the same question!)
- Can an individual really lay claim to, or think their ideas are original? One way to check is to look it up in WikiPedia, where original thinking and ideas are seemingly not given credence or are not credited as meaningful or accurate without proper and full citation! (smile) That is why ThinkingOutLoud can be a way of putting thoughts out. OriginatedBy, but not necessarily Original, thought of the expressive thinker. The thinking may not be original, but then does not, and perhaps should not, be held responsible for such discovery. After all, it is JustaThought!
- One may in thinking, have thoughts which come from having read it somewhere, or may have thought of it when reading or hearing something related to it, or may have received via the BackChannel, and have placed it in the back of the mind for later recall. Some, like myself may find it more convenient to be found expressing the idea via Public (or Private) ThinkingOutLoud, on paper, or PaperSubstitute, as a means of PassingItOn, to future readers, including yourself.
- It may be that it is so new, so novel, so unique, that in the present, you have no way of implementing it, because it is still OnTheDrawingBoard.