Interstellar Bureauof Magicians

last modified: July 20, 2006

Formerly the world's biggest computing company. Corporate policy requires all hires have a college degree. Sacked and pillaged between 1980 and 1990 by a rival start-up led by a college drop-out. --PhlIp

The chief wizard is called King Lou.

ex-IBMers who have suffered through a re-org or two ( or six ) fondly refer to it as "I've Been Moved?"

Also known as: The Jolly Blue Giant. Snow White. etc.


My first job involved replacement of some legacy IBM 1800 systems. The development team was convinced that the model number was based upon the year of manufacture. (The machines had lots of cool BlinkingLights.)

Curiously, there really is an InternationalBrotherhoodofMagicians. --JasonNocks

See also InternationalBusinessMachines (aka IBM)

