Interleave Edit

last modified: January 11, 2008

This is an edit which is placed, not at the bottom of the page, which is often preferred, but interleaved between paragraphs, when the edit has the purpose of commenting about what is just above it, or answering a question or reacting to a paragraphy just above it.

One convention which can be used in this case is the alternating between voices in a running conversational type posting by using alternate text styles Like this:

Can you suggest a better way to comment?

You might make anonymous comments in italic, like this sentence, to suggest a different post, and a different poster.

While if you prefer to identify your post, by following it with your user name: -- DonaldNoyes

Or if within a running alternation, by initials, like this: -- dn

When Subject or running alternation changes

When the subject, or conversation changes, one might identify the change by the insertion of an emphasized title, as shown here, or with the insertion of a horizontal line as here (or both):

Preservation Of Position

Certain parts of the page should normally be placed in absolute, or relative position:


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