Interest Endeme

last modified: November 13, 2014

The interest endeme set allows the storage and processing of information related to a person's interests.

A                  T  |. Academic / theory
 B             P      |. Business / practice / professional
  CD                  |. Computers / digital technology
   D             RS   |. Subjective / relative / deconstruction
    E   I  L   P  S   |. Events / schedules / in person / meetings / local
    E G     M      T  |. Technology / engineering / gadgets / machines
    E                 |. Entertainment
       H              |. Hidden / secrets
        I             |. Interaction
            M         |. Medicine
             N        |. Negative situations / problems / help / charity
A       I     OP      |. Objects / physical artifacts / items
               P     V|. Politics / power / war
        I       Q S   |. Questions / inquiry / science
                 R    |. Religion / spiritual / God / Jesus
               P  S   |. Social / personal
    E      L       T  |. Learning / teaching / education
A             O     U |. Universe / universal / objective / absolutes
            M        V|. Value / money / valuables / material

