You find it because you continued looking for it until you found it DoingStuff.DonaldNoyes.20140609
---Titles Do Not Tell the Whole Story
- In articles, books as well as Programs:
- Intentions are revealed by "Slicing" them into separately meaningful statements, sentences and phrases
- Chapters in a book may be sliced into segments composed of titles, page-numbers, and into individual sentences
- In an Article: It is common to extract to an aside, or highlight within it a most significant sentence or phrase, to tease the scanning eye into further investigation of its contents
- Intentions are revealed by "Slicing" them into separately meaningful statements, sentences and phrases
- Slices are meaningful if the sentence has been constructed to be self-sufficient, using nouns rather than pronouns, and other defining characteristics which make it a statement not dependent on context to extract information from it.
---When a slice does not stand on its own
- When editing a sliced-document and discovering fragments which do not stand-alone, examination may reveal via the context, substitutions or replacements which may be made to the fragment which will assist the desired-end of making it self-standing or self-evident.