Throughout history, there have been numerous absolute limits. People have said that we know all there is to know. People have said that some things will be forever hidden from mortal eyes.
Each and every time, they were wrong.
Now they can use HeavyMaths to prove their claims of our limits...
There are things people have said will never happen that haven't, though, and the fact that other limits have been broken doesn't mean they all can be. It's just a matter that it's very hard to tell real limits from fake limits until they are broken.
Sure. You can tell the limits of despair (SoundBarrier?) from the limits of the equation. (LightSpeed) Then, there are the undecidable bits. Like, for example, if the equation is correct :) Really, though, the standard method to break a limit is to find a violable assumption in the problem statement. Or at least the hope of one. Or else none of the impossible things would ever have happened.
See HeisenbergUncertaintyPrinciple