Innovative Ideas

last modified: October 18, 2010

Off-the-wall creativity, improve, thinking on your feet, thinking outside the box, etc.

"Green Hat Thinking from Edward de Bono's Six Thinking Hats Within Edward de Bono's Six Thinking Hats process, Green Hat Thinking focuses on creativity & innovation: possibilities, alternatives, solutions, new ideas. Green Hat Thinking provides a specific time that is dedicated to creative thinking and innovation. Green Hat Thinking helps us find new ways of doing things, and it also provides an opportunity to think about ways to overcome concerns identified during Black Hat Thinking.

Green Hat Thinking may be used on its own or within a Six Thinking Hats sequence where the hats are used in a particular order to thoroughly explore a subject."


I liked the original content of this page. I imagine that the author spent weeks, maybe even months pondering this and after great personal creative struggle finally managed:

"Thanks, Bill. We're $209,482,483.28 in debt, our product is seventeen months late, we're being sued by six of our competitors, our customers hate us, the coffee machine is broken and the best idea you come up with is:"

Of course, maybe the author was charged with solving "that bloody mouse problem", in which case it's entirely appropriate to:

Hate your job? The boss is allergic to cats? Hah! Brilliant! Do this:

Q: My office is infested with balls of string. What should I do?

A: Bring cat to office

Q: My desk is covered with a mountain of paperwork. How can I shift it quickly?

A: Bring CAT to office

See: SixThinkingHats[Green], RandomProjectsForFunOrProfit, NewIdeas
