Implicit Topics Not Used Any More

last modified: November 10, 2014

7th November 2011 There has been one use of ImplicitTopics in JulyEleven and none at all in AugustEleven, SeptemberEleven and OctoberEleven. I have already created the pages for NovemberEleven and DecemberEleven. I suggest that if there is no use of the pages by the end of 2011 that these pages cease to be provided for 2012. -- JohnFletcher

I'm still visiting c2 now and then but I haven't seen many pages really applicable for ImplicitTopics. But then I might have overlooked them. -- GunnarZarncke (the one who introduced ImplicitTopics)

(later) Hm, it seems that somebody else is also still adding ImplicitTopics (adding NovemberEleven yesterday). I'd guess the reason thus really is that no real discussion is going on on c2 recently. -- .gz

The somebody was myself as there did seem to be discussion going on. -- JohnFletcher

2012 I have created JanuaryTwelve to see if there is any interest in continuing ImplicitTopics. As there has been some I have made the next two as well. -- JohnFletcher

2014 We are approaching the end of 2013 and there has been a small number of pages to be noticed each month. I am prepared to keep this running into next year. I actually forgot to do the pages for April, May and June until the end of April! No one had used March at all. I think I will see what happens in the next two months and not bother after that unless some demand develops. -- JohnFletcher

1st August I made the pages up until JuneFourteen which no one used. I forgot all about them and no one seems to have noticed. I intend to leave it like this. -- JohnFletcher

4th November There is much more discussion happening recently. Maybe these could be revived. -- JohnFletcher

They serve as a reference of what was going on. Someone now or in the future may refer to them. Doesn't History matter? -- DonaldNoyes

I agree that history matters and I never thought to remove old use of ImplicitTopics. I started the page because the topics were not being used. I have made the ones for last month, this month and next (October, November and December 2014) to see what happens now. -- JohnFletcher

