Immunity Design Principles

last modified: November 26, 2004

Book published by Oxford University Press. The full title is 'Design Principles for the Immune System and Other Distributed Autonomous Systems', but that's a bit too much of a mouthful for a WikiName. ISBN: 0195137000 . The book is written by a group of scientists from diverse fields: from pathology to computer science, taking in neurobiology and chemistry along the way. If you're a biology student looking for an introductory textbook in immunology, keep looking; if, however, you're a biologist interested in computationally-flavoured approaches, or a computer scientist interested in biologically-inspired approaches, check it out.

Perhaps the most interesting paper in the book is the one by Charles Orosz. He gives three principles used in immune system network design:

Relevance to Design Patterns:

See the book. The book is a discussion of a complex design. It does not discuss design patterns at all. Clearly this kind of design is a motif that occurs outside immune systems - and perhaps when it is better understood some design pattern(s) will be abstracted from it. If you are interested in new ways to avoid monolithic (and fragile) programs, some of the papers in this book should set your cogs whirring.

Obviously the word 'design' is being used somewhat loosely in this context (unless you're a creationist!).

Relevance to Wikis:

WikiWiki is founded on the utopian premise that the kind givers in the community will swamp out the mean takers. Each feature added to wiki disrupts this balance in ways that are hard to predict.

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