Idea Recording

last modified: October 25, 2014

How can ideas be recorded? What readily available and complete methods might be used? - ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20141025

 There is a lot of latitude in html to make different kinds of space. So I want to make
 it clear when you've entered or left this space. There are many doors leading both in 
 and out. That's why it has identity.
 Remember when URLs pointed to Web pages filled with static text and images? How simple
 and quaint to put all information in a network of separate Web pages called a website. 
 New Web apps are front ends to large databases filled with content. When the Web app 
 wants information, it pulls it from the database and pours it into the local mold. 
An ActivatedBrowserMethod used for IdeaRecords: 
   in creating models for Presentation and Preservation of Artifacts utilizing an 
   archive which is constructed as a series of Portable Linkable Documents (PLDFs)
   developed from a root notion or document of a notion, including first the root 
   document, then adding subsequent levels. Contained within links in the local 
   machine or available from it. 

