DesignPatterns for hypermedia such as web sites and wikis.
An initiative of ACM-SIGWEB in collaboration with the University of Italian Switzerland has the goal of allowing a large community to reuseDesignExperience which has been gathered by other designers of hypermedia and Web applications and systems, by providing usefulDesignPatterns in a Web accessible form.
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They currently hosts 28 DesignPatterns which have been classified in three categories:
- Patterns concerning Interface and Lay-out aspects;
- Patterns involving Structure of information and Navigation dynamics;
- Patterns more Content Oriented, i.e. Patterns that pay more attention to the message strategy and, in general, to the Content of the application.
See WebsitePatterns, DesignPatterns, DesignPatternsRoadMap, InterfaceAndLayoutPatterns, StructureOfInformationPatterns, SiteMessagePatterns