How Xp Plans Deployment

last modified: August 22, 2002

Why do you care? XP is about programming, not wiring a LAN.

In the actual case on C3, it's just like everywhere else. We sit down with people who know things or have ideas, we talk about the options, we get cost estimates, we figure out what we'd like to do, we propose what we want, and they give us something else.

Kent, Ward, Ken, Martin? You have a better idea?


''I can't speak for XP, but I do this by gathering the non-functional requirements for each UserStory - who much, how fast, etc. - and using them to project the flow rates and storage implications for the initial architectural spike. If it seems like these are going to be unusual - terrabytes of data being searched within microseconds with many miles from here to there - then I turn these projections into high-priority user stories in their own right, and spike them up front. This may indeed lead to the purchase of new tools and the establishment of new project standards. --PeterMerel ''

It seems to me that refactoring the deployment platform would be much more difficult than refactoring the software. Are there where any special considerations to take this into account? Or is this not the case that the deployment platform is difficult to change? --HankRoark

Hank- Could you point to the section in the RUP book that covers this material? I need a little more concrete example before I can understand your question. --KentBeck

I wish I could Kent, but I don't own the book. Believe it or not, I actually think that RUP leads to too many guesses before actual coding (wait, that sounds like something you have said to me before :-). In any case, I vaguely remember that deployment figures into Rational's processes and/or design tools. It seems like it included the type of hardware, how it is connected, and where the processes live on the hardware. In any case, picking the deployment platform seems important when building an entire system and also seems like it would be more difficult to change than the software. So, I'm asking if there are any special considerations given to picking the deployment environment. Further, Ron indicates that some people with ideas and knowledge get together and make a decision about the deployment environment. At some point that decision must be tested (right?): when is that done? --hr

An experiment. SpikeSolution. Done as early as the level of risk would suggest.

See also: HowXpPlansDeploymentDiscussion, CostOfDeployment, EaseOfSoftwareDeployment, ExtremeDeployment
