Step one: Realize the truth: you do not know.
Step two: Do it.
Step three: Recall the event and try to distinguish between what you wanted to do, and what you actually did.
Step four: Repeat steps one through four 'til you want to learn something else.
Remember to embrace error. Error is as natural as success. Often, what you thought was error was more successful than you could have imagined.
Step one is often the hardest part.
Step two: Do it.
- Do what?
It. Which of course means whatever it is that you don't know and thus can't do.
For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them. MrAristotle (384-322 BC), Greek philosopher.
Also, do I detect some recursion here?
Yes, but it's tail-recursive. Also, there is a termination clause. Or did you mean the do it part?