Hostile Evangelist

last modified: January 18, 2011

What sets off a HostileStudent.

Usually somebody who claims their technology or technique is greatly superior, but cannot offer open, objective evidence; shifting into vague elusive "zen talk" instead, and tend to be protective of ArgumentFromAuthority over the scientific process. In other words, they feel that they are above the scientific process. Often they use a kind of social intimidation, such as, "if you were truly smart, you would agree with me".

[One must consider that there are teachers and non-teachers, and both, or none, can be masters. It takes a master who understands "their own understanding" to teach. It takes a special person to be a teacher, and in these days and times, this is the single most overlooked thing in our schools and universities. One must have the "gift" of teaching in order to be a good teacher. Too many would-be teachers refuse the golden rule: "The Teacher Has Not Taught, Until The Student Has Learned".]


If you think about it as a rank, it will likely lead to conflicts of many kinds. If you wish to communicate something to somebody, then focus on that goal rather than who is "above" who. If you play the wax-on-wax-off game (movie ref), you will be waxed in the face. Think of it as being two peers trying to communicate their different perspectives rather than elect yourself the superior or instructor role. If you desire the role of a "teacher", seek permission first.
