Hobsons Choice

last modified: January 11, 2005

Colloquial English phrase for a choice that is not a choice - either there is only one option, or two options that are equally undesirable or virtually identical...

Is this the same thing as a CatchTwentyTwo? No. CatchTwentyTwo is when both (or all) choices are contradictory. You have to be crazy to want to fly a mission, so you're grounded. But if you are scared, you're sane, so you are required to fly.

Found at http://www.wordorigins.org:

Tobias Hobson (c. 1544-1631) was a Cambridge stable manager who let (rented) horses. He insisted customers take the horse in the stall closest to the door (the next one up) or take none at all. Hence, a Hobson's choice is no choice at all. He was made famous by Milton. The phrase dates to 1660.

Another dilemma is presented by MortonsFork.

Is this similar to being on the Horns of a Dilemma?

MortonsFork is an example of being on the Horns of a dilemma - it's where you do have a choice, but each leads to you losing.
