Happy With Perl

last modified: May 13, 2011

Everybody seems to be making a fuss about this WebTwoPointOh business and how PythonLanguage or RubyOnRails or EmeraldOnPylons or what-have-you is the NextBigThing. I'll stick to my good old sturdy reliable PerlLanguage, thanks.

This seems to be the DecadeOfSlaggingPerl, for no reason that I can find. I use Perl and seem to get things done faster than my Python colleagues. I like how RegularExpressions are so tightly integrated into the language. Of course the object system sucks, where sucks is defined as not the same as CeePlusPlus.

I'll stick to my good old sturdy reliable BashLanguage, thanks. ;)

...following the list of names format of some similar pages...

See also: OldGuardDeveloper

Is Perl really old guard? Python is about the same age and Java isn't much newer.

First public releases: PerlLanguage 1987; PythonLanguage 1990; JavaLanguage 1995.

