Hans Joachim Matheus

last modified: September 28, 2010

Hi Wiki! Working for in GmbH in Konstanz, Germany, these days.

Doing Enterprise Applications and Information Systems (you know BullshitBingo aka BuzzwordBingo?) for automotive (and other) industry customers.


Reach me at mailto:Hans-Joachim.Matheus@in-gmbh.de

See my work at http://engineering.supplier.daimler.com/ Worked and working with ChristianAschenbrenner, MarkusSchwer, TobiasMueller, MarcelRuff, NicolasKiwitt, TobiasGruender, OliverHupfeld, DieterSaken, UweRenzland, and many others

Worked on a project for a bank in Zurich, Switzerland, together with AndreasKapp, RudolfFluetsch, GabrielBucher, WalterKriha, StefanThiel, StephanBielmann, and others in 2000/2001.

Other friends and coworkers in that time were AxelGlatz, JuergenHappel, SandroDindo, FlorianSchneider, AlessandroKohler. Anyone missing here?

