Hangout Notes Tuesday

last modified: May 8, 2013

Notes from today's brainstorming hangout of GlobalRoots

Classroom teaching scenario - what to do with it, benefits the wider community Make word's stick Words you can chew on

Kids get chewing gum as reward for doing things they normally wouldn't do - like creating poetry. Envision a bunch of happy bubblegum chewing kid poets

Cristo - the building wrapping person but using gum instead of wrapping plastic

Turning gum into medicine

Chewing gum makes my lock jaw - make a seedball using gum - do the birds then get stuck beeks like how dogs are affected by getting peanut butter.

Hello. It seems that you're using this site for your own project. That's called WikiSquatting; please don't do it. There are lots of places that you can get your own wiki.

Check out the SmallestFederatedWiki, there you can make use of a wiki which allows you to "Squat" and have a wiki of your own which can be associated via federation to others who also have interests to broad for this wiki. It is for just such things as you want to make note of and want to share with others publicly. This wiki has a very narrow focus as was intended when it was set up. Most of the people who authored most of the pages here have expanded their interests and have found other places which are more agreeable to the new paradigms which have been introduced.
