Hanbing Liu

last modified: December 15, 2013

Hanbing Liu graduated with a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Texas at Austin in 2006

He works at AMD since graduation, verifying and (more recently) designing floating point data path unit. He also maintains and develops the multiprocessor coherence/consistency checker and memory model for x86 and arm architecture.

At UT, he used ACL2 (http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/moore/acl2/) to formalize the JVM and its bytecode verifier. His current focus is on formalizing and proving the correctness of the bytecode verification specification as described in JSR139.

Also at UT, he also did some preliminary work in Java program verification by studying the executions of the corresponding bytecode programs on their JVM models.


He has been a member of MeltonFoundation (http://www.meltonfoundation.org) since 1996. He has a private wiki since Oct. 2002. (http://zu.meltonfoundation.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Hanbing_Liu)

I like the mods you did to UseModWiki. Did you use Usemod 1.0? Is your version available?

I did some hacks to the 0.92 that comes with Debian.

I should say those are ugly hacks. It will take some efforts to adapt it to some other site. I don't know if someone still want it. I can make it available.

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