Half Baked Attempts Lead Nowhere

last modified: May 21, 2013

The AntiPattern related to HalfFinishedWorkLeadsToCollaboration. Or simply put "half-finished work" done wrong, and with the wrong attitude.

It happens when somebody (mostly anonymous or semi-anonymous) has a desire that some "stuff" be discussed on wiki. The person in question is not quite willing to follow InFavorOfDissertation mode, but not willing to put half the work either. So the easy way out is to put a half baked attempt, in the hope that others will pick up the task.

The worst example of this is when an anonymous user creates the page on TopicX and does the absolute minimal effort: just presses save. The result is a "page" containing:

Describe TopicX here.

The intent is obviously to bait somebody (like a RecentChangesJunkie) to develop the subject. Such a behavior shows a lack of respect.

But there's also the less in-your-face half baked attempt. The TopicX is initially populated with almost no information (pro forma fill in content) or with the first links that pop up on GoogleSearch. Practical experience has also shown that such pages lead nowhere (collaboration is not fostered and the page is left undeveloped). At best, the originator of such pages receives polite indifference from the community. At worst, if such half-baked pages sprawl, the behavior is criticized and the originator wrongly takes such rejection personally.


How to avoid this AntiPattern is really simple: Consider HowToAskQuestionsTheSmartWay. If InFavorOfDissertation does not appeal to you, consider that HalfFinishedWorkLeadsToCollaboration is really about half-finished work. Or to put it differently, InitialEffortShowsCommitment. In other words, if you expect others to join and develop a topic where you cannot do it on your own, you have to show a commitment and appreciation for future collaborators by putting a non-trivial effort in opening up a topic. -- CostinCozianu

See also WikiModes

