Hagbard Celine

last modified: March 10, 2004

The name of a character from the Illuminatus trilogy (book by Robert Shea and RobertAntonWilson). The most trippy book I've ever read.

must agree. It was difficult to believe that mere words on pages could give that eery and scary feeling of hallucinogens. Had to stop!

It is hard to believe that patterns woven from eerie and strange hallucinogenic words could be so addictive. Had to keep going!

Wilson's a perceptual psychologist from what I understand. You should hunt down his cosmic trigger books, too. They're about as strange as his other books. I read somewhere that several pages where printed out of sequence in the first run of Illumanatus and no one noticed.

Wilson's also had a couple of articles in Magical Blend Magazine (Which may or may not still be in business, I haven't checked lately) alongside Timothy Leary. There appears to be some relationship between Leary and Wilson but I haven't quite figured out what yet.

Leary and Wilson co-wrote (with George A. Koopman) "Neuropolitics: The Sociobiology of Human Metamorphosis" (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0915238187).

There are quite a few Discordians in our ranks.

See also http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~tilt/principia/body.html and the movie FightClub

Whoops, forgot to sign... --BruceIde

RAW = Robot Animal Within--Acad
