Gunnar Andersson

last modified: August 8, 2005

I have been a lurker on this Wiki web for many years, contributing a line on one page, a link on another, and so on. I now hope to put more effort back into this community that have sparked my interest so many times.

My main computer-related interests revolve around OO-design and programming in Java, C++, development processes (where ExtremeProgramming is an example), and everything else that is involved in creating exceptional software.

I spend a lot of time thinking about using the right tool for the job, which often lead me to hack up little helper tools. I used to do it in Perl but now definitely prefer RubyLanguage. I strive to always keep my curiosity and keep thinking that there "should exist a better way to do it..." Sometimes it leads me to ponder over the expressiveness FunctionalProgramming, which I would love to come back to someday.

In addition, I also have an extensive background in Real-time systems.

If you want to discuss any of the above with me, this address will likely be forwarded to where I may be: dff180 (at)

