Gui Service

last modified: November 18, 2011

I've been trying to push the idea of GUI's as a service, NOT as an API tied to a specific language and/or OS. That's so 90's. The concept keeps popping up in different topics such that I wish to consolidate the idea on a single topic rather than re-explain it. The advantages of a service include but are not limited to:

ProgrammingLanguageNeutralGui talks about something similar, but doesn't really address the "service" issue.


I think you're trying to reinvent DisplayPostscript.

Where's the event-handling architecture described? I agree it may be better for vector graphics interaction, but is not really a widget engine.

I didn't see any mention of event-handling architecture in the list above. However, event-handling invariably needs to invoke application code, so it probably makes sense to make that part of the infrastructure language-specific.

The above list is primarily a benefits list, not a features list.

Even X11 is a `service`. I don't believe that distinction alone is worth much. Better to word this in terms of an architectural pattern, e.g. browsers provide the users more control over what is displayed.

I agree, but X-Windows has latency problems over HTTP because the server micro-manages too many activities. (If they've fixed it since, I haven't heard.)

