I try to read as much as a I can, and I am particularly interesting in software development practices. The following are some of my favorite books in that area. I'll add commentary as time permits.
- ThePragmaticProgrammer
- DesignPatternsBook
- RefactoringImprovingTheDesignOfExistingCode
- PeopleWare
- ThePracticeOfProgramming
- ProgrammingPearls
- CodeComplete
- WritingSolidCode
- ElementsOfProgrammingStyle
- The MythicalManMonth
- ThePsychologyOfComputerProgramming
- TheSoulOfaNewMachine
- ObjectOrientedAnalysisAndDesign
- ExtremeProgrammingExplainedEmbraceChange
Other books (and a few comics)
- GoedelEscherBach
- CrossingTheChasm
- TheGoal
- The InnovatorsDilemma
- TheTimelessWayOfBuilding
- BridgeOfBirds
- TheSandman
- Watchmen
- WatershipDown
- TheCritiqueOfPureReason
- TheDesignOfEverydayThings
- LordOfTheRings
- TheScrewtapeLetters
-- PaulTevis