Goon Show

last modified: June 13, 2003

SpikeMilligan, HarrySecombe, and PeterSellers' immortal radio-silliness. Also MichaelBentine. See and

"Have a picture of Queen Victoria?" "No thank you, I'm trying to give them up."

Apparently SpikeMilligan and HarrySecombe were prone to improvised practical jokes. One story has them walking down a street in London when they saw a funeral parlour. Milligan lay flat on the pavement outside the funeral parlour door, knocked on the door, and shouted "Shop!".

"Here, would you like a gorilla?" "No! I only smoke Baboons" "Ah! good show!" "BABOON SHOW!!"

Bloodnock: "You Filthy Swine! Hold me trousers while I climb out the back window!"

