For use on SharpZaurus (PortableLinux/Java/Qtopia pda):
- Zwiki - (not to be confused with ZwiKi) - real, solid Wiki - run thru Opera - based on Perl - have used extensively, and is flawless so far - quite customizable (on an actual Settings wiki page, and thru a foundational template.html, where colors, headers, footers, etc, can be modified)
The ZaurusSoftwareIndex links for Zwiki (, are currently dead. Is the package still being maintained somewhere? (2005/5/9) -- DavidMeyer
I'm also looking for up-to-date info on Zaurus Wiki's specifically for the C1000/3000/3100 class.
(2005/07/18) -- BarbFox
- KonSole - (first mandatory download :) - get out to the shell from Qtopia (windowing environment) - allows multiple tab-windows, for a nice visual 'screen'
- PortaBase - quick data storage and form creator - very customizable
- ProZect - best hierarchical outliner - open-source (like most zaurus software) - uses extended EmacsOutlineMode - allows date and progress markup for tasks
- MinScript - with VisiScript, a very fun scripting language/environment, like C++, but virtually no learning curve - wonderful for newbie programmers, as OO is not enforced, but totally available whenever rigor is desired - said to compile directly with gcc to create actual binaries - allows calls to external libraries and linux system itself
- HancomSheet - (included with Zaurus) - solid spreadsheet application - supports formulas, sorts, names, internal links, and lots of cell formatting options
- ZStyle - total control over look and colors - even make your Zaurus look like an iMac :)
- Unofficial Zaurus FAQ - most tricks and tips listed here
- NetHack - NuffSaid
- MonoProject - .NET on a Linux portable - world is getting weird
- SafeDee
Most of the above and many more packages are available from the ZaurusSoftwareIndex.