Golden Bough

last modified: July 9, 2003

A 12 volume catalog of every god there ever was. By Sir James George Fraser.

Online text extracts from The Golden Bough:

Readers of the concise one or two volume editions of The Golden Bough that are commonly found in book stores and libraries will find, if they ever have the opportunity to examine or own a full (12 or 13 volume) set, that the whole is written in a flowing narrative style that is surprisingly easy to read considering the torrent of novel information that is presented. The index volume is indispensable. Buying a Golden Bough lacking the index would very nearly be a waste unless you are planning to read straight through starting from page one!

03/09/03 - Well, after 20 years of hemmin' and hawin' over buying my own set, I finally plunged and have ordered from an Australian book dealer. A supposedly fine set printed in 1974, we'll see how fine is fine. This sort of plunge will set you back about $400 U.S. these days. Is it worth it? - PhilEhrens

07/09/03 - Well, I have to warn the world, Australian book dealers do not seem to fell bound by ABAA book grading rules. Out of several hundred book purchases made via only five have turned out disappointing, and three of those five were my purchases from Australian dealers. The set of The Golden Bough was overgraded and was packed with insufficient care for a long sea voyage, and so was damaged in transit. - PhilEhrens

