I'm a Developer, nowdays I'm working with java, but I have worked with CeePlusPlus, CeeLanguage and yes CobolLanguage and xbase ( my god, I wrote this ! It's our secret okey ! ) for more than 15 years. I read Sarson, Chen, Martin, Codd, Yourdow and finally Booch and like this guy very much. I liked very much of smalltalk too, however I couldn't apply it. A few times ago, I have deserted from my job and begin work with GreenHouses and Plants cultivation, but this is a longer history, maybe for next time. And of course sorry, my english isn't perfect as you can see. But, I think that make software is a magical thing, as was when I was 13 years old and learned with a Sinclair machine ZX80 and the very cool spectrum (sounds and colors wow!).