Genuine Progress Indicator

last modified: February 20, 2010

An metric for economic and social progress, created to more accurately measure progress than the formerly used grossDomesticProduct:

From the website:

"You've seen the headlines, "GDP Up!" Good news, right? Not really. The gross domestic product simply adds up all the money we spend, and calls the results economic growth. Yet for years, economists, policymakers, reporters, and the public have relied on the GDP as a shorthand indicator of progress."

"In 1995, Redefining Progress created a more accurate measure of progress, called the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI). It starts with the same accounting framework as the GDP, but then makes some crucial distinctions: It adds in the economic contributions of household and volunteer work, but subtracts factors such as crime, pollution, and family breakdown. We continue to update the GPI on a yearly basis to document a more truthful picture of economic progress."

I dropped into this page expecting some information on accurately displaying progress-bars. The topic seems considerably different than the title suggests.

For Software Connotation see "Progress Indicator" at:

EditHint: Move to TheAdjunct (The process of WikiEmigration was started in AugustZeroFive)

"family breakdown"? Sounds like someone has some pretty specific ideas about how they want "progress" to be defined.

Not really, ItDepends upon the discipline from which you define it. The inital page (created 2004, involving economic measurement, or as of November 2007, the clarification as to reference to it as a software component.

Whereas the incorrect progress metric is the number of razors required to...

