Generational Garbage Collection

last modified: August 13, 2008

The partition of objects into different generations (time intervals) based on time of allocation, and giving them different GC policies depending on age. Based on the heuristic (often true in practice) that most objects are discarded shortly after being used--hence the GC is tuned to get rid of those first.

In some pure functional languages, there is the additional benefit that pointers from an older generation into a newer one aren't possible. Even in languages with mutable state; old-to-new pointers are much rarer than new-to-old pointers.

Many generational GC's are not comprehensive--they don't successfully remove all the garbage (long-lived garbage, in particular, may never get collected). But it's the fresh garbage that smells the worst. :)

See the GarbageCollectionBook and for lots more info

Here's a possible implementation that might explain things.

Normally you would have only one heap, but it just takes forever to mark and sweep and compact everything. So instead you have a small heap and a large heap. The large heap is substantially larger than the small heap. And you follow these rules:

This can be sped up even further if objects in the large heap are not allowed to have pointers to objects in the small heap. Objects may be moved from the large heap to the small heap in order to maintain this invariant, although it is easier to maintain it when objects are immutable. This allows the recursive mark routine, when it is trying to sweep only the small heap, to stop recursing as soon as it hits any object in the large heap.

Oftentimes StopAndCopy is used for for the early generations. StopAndCopy takes time proportional only to the amount of live data; since early generations often have large proportions of garbage, this can be significantly faster than MarkAndSweep, and it also compacts the heap automatically. Allocation in a StopAndCopy heap can be as fast as stack allocation; it consists of incrementing a pointer. And since the small heap is small, the system doesn't waste much available memory by leaving half the heap idle at all times.

You do have thread synchronisation to worry about, so it's not quite as fast as a per-thread stack. Some systems use per-thread nurseries to avoid these synchronization costs altogether (ending up with, essentially, a per-thread stack, albeit one that copies long-lived objects to the shared heap).

I don't know what other environments do, but Smalltalk hasn't used a table like this for at least a decade. Instead, a semi-space algorithm is used, and the old pointer is replaced by a "forwarder" to the new object. [How, exactly, does a "forwarder" work? The only thing I can come to is a reserved bit that signifies either a real-object or forwarder-object; but wouldn't this require more instructions for object access than an ObjectTable?]

Here's how a semi-space collector works (I thought this is what "generational collection" meant, but I supposed I could be mistaken):

Each time a flip occurs, the live objects have survived into a new "generation". In a generation-counting collector, a generation count is maintained by the collector and incremented each time the object is copied from from-space to to-space.

Object lifetimes in Smalltalk (and probably other object-oriented systems as well) follow a pronounced bathtub curve -- huge numbers of objects have very short lifetimes (often less than one generation), a smaller but still important number of objects have very long lifetimes, and very few objects have lifetimes in the middle.

This is reflected in a "tenured" generation-scavenging collector: a third "tenured" area is defined, and objects whose generation count exceeds a certain threshold (adjusted dynamically) are copied into the tenured area instead of into to-space. This tenured area is collected only very infrequently, if at all. Tenured objects die very rarely, and so garbage accumulates very slowly.

Henry Baker demonstrated that the lifetimes are code dependent, and that in the worst case, some programs can exhibit lifetimes similar to radioactive half-life, which messes up the assumptions of generational garbage collection. I believe that the worst case is considered rare, though.


This interesting paper suggests that assumptions about changes to the "mark/cons ratio" may not be as safe as generally assumed. I am under the impression that the "bathtub" shape of the Smalltalk object lifetime histogram has been measured and published repeatedly since the "Baker Garbage Collector" that I described here (the algorithm was first published by the same Henry Baker) was published in the GreenBook in 1983. A tenuring collector like I described here is less sensitive to the assumption of high infant mortality than this paper might indicate -- it simply reflects the empirical reality that older objects die very infrequently. Meanwhile, the cited paper doesn't claim that some programs exhibit half-life behavior, it says instead that the mathematical model of radioactive half-life is easier to analyze.

An application with these characteristics may not be prototypical of garbage-collected applications, but it does provide an ideal mathematical model which can represent one end of a spectrum.

Having set up this strawman, Baker then knocks it down, observing that this model doesn't result in high infant mortality and therefore that the mark/cons ratio doesn't improve.

It appears to me that the main thrust of this 12 year old paper is that in 1992, we didn't have a mathematical model of object lifetimes that predicted the infant mortality curves observed in practice. Baker concluded his brief paper with the observation that

Our personal belief is that the object lifetimes found in garbage collection measurements cannot be adequately modelled by traditional probability/statistics models which assume that distributions have finite "standard deviations", but will require fractal models [Mandelbrot83], which can have infinite second moments.

That's odd. Doesn't the Cauchy distribution have an infinite standard deviation? That's a pretty traditional distribution. -- JasonGrossman

If work in that domain has been done in the intervening 12 years, it would be interesting to see what the resulting analytical implications have been.

