It's GeekNight(tm) again.
**** Groovy ****
- general work on it
- all things to do with it
PicoContainer/NanoContainer? (integrations with Groovy)
Geronimo - how Groovy fits with it.
Groovy Query Language (Chris)
DamageControl too of course (Jon&Aslak is setting it up @ CodeHaus)
Attendees (and Pizza preference, and whether bringing laptop/notebook): (sign up here)
StacyCurl - vegetarian, bringing laptop
Paul Hammant - no pizza, bringing laptop
Chris Stevenson
Daniel Bodart - Shroom, no laptop
James Strachan ?
Joe Walnes ?
Tim McKinnon?
Steve Freeman ?
Alistair Jones ?
MikeMason - Hawaiian, bringing laptop
JonTirsen - meaty sorta, if Pizza Express: Soho