GeekNightCalgary starting Wednesday June 25th at 6pm in the Calgary Office. If you're attending, add yourself to the attendees list with what you want to work on. Can be anything, even work!
- Dan Mercier (Storytime.NET)
- EricLiu (generating user documentation from NakedObjects AcceptanceTests)
- ChrisKlementis (playing with the early access compiler for java 1.5 + on my L&L presentation)
Eric, what kind of docs are you using NakedObjects to generate?
In the NakedObjects framework, UserStories can be coded as AcceptanceTests. If you run such a test and it was successful, the framework automatically creates a HTML documentation file. This file contains the steps of your UserStory in written words, along with some graphical illustrations. I got that working on a simple story and it is quite neat! The authors of the book suggest that this documentation can become a substantial chunk of the user training manual. -- EricLiu
We had a short session. Chris made working examples of EnumeratedTypesInJava. Eric worked on NakedObjects as described above.